One magical moment

One magical moment

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Cracks in the Ice

The remainder of Edinburgh ended up being a strange mixture of waiting and hoping. Ken and I decided that if we could get a 3 week gig to carry us through the dreary month of January, we would have all the annoying paperwork completed and we could pursue the next phase of vacation with ease. I could not have guessed how much this 3 week stop would influence our trip or our lives. For one thing, it has affirmed for me how much I need to live my life with positive mantras. I believe I’m a relatively positive person, I am able to see the silver lining in most situations, and I have ALWAYS believed that the struggles I’ve faced have all served the greater purpose of making me a smarter, sharper witted and tough girl. I’m not the girl who is always smiling by any means, I have my lows just like everyone else, but I live them with the knowledge that when I make it though to the other side, I’ll be better for it. This being said, I do have tendencies to allow what I call ‘the injustices of the world’ weigh on me from time to time and I forget to believe that if I believe strongly enough in getting something, I can make it happen. The power of persuasion. Hmmm.

On Gumtree, the UK equivalent to craigslist, we found a posting looking for some people to help spring-clean and do some general maintenance around a group of guest chalets near Stirling. I pretty much jumped for joy, because the thought of earning a little money while living in 4 star accommadation sounded pretty appealing. Besides which, the craving for some quiet countryside made me sigh.

We spent a quiet 2 days with a sweet couchsurfer named Jason who selflessly gave up his room for us and slept on the couch waiting in anticipation of the news. In retrospect I kind of harassed the owner of the chalets, Victoria, pleading our case and telling her how PERFECT we fit the opportunity. The posting made it sound like travelers were the ideal candidates. And couples were preferred too. Putting positive thoughts out into the universe does seem to work. We were offered the job. It could not have worked out any better. Now, we both have bank accounts, National Insurance numbers, and a few extra pounds (the money not the fat).

It was a Sunday when we got the job. We were to meet a ride towards Stirling on Monday and start work on Tuesday morning. Now more moving around for at least three weeks. We arrived Sunday night with groceries and met our co-workes. 1 New Zealand, 1 Dutch, 1 Romanian, 1 Bulgarian, and 2 Polish. Our large chalet was well equipped, modern, and beautiful. Internet access, cable TV, and a large DVD collection. We had our own room with private bath.

The work was blah. Spring cleaning wooden chalets. We came to appreciate tea time much more literally. At night, we relaxed, ate well, lazed around and did not think too far ahead regarding our travel. We knew the next step would be the southern countries and hopefully Morocco and Egypt. (At this point Egypt was not in turmoil).

The first 2 weeks we all lived in one large house called the coach house, we learned it had once been the stables. 8 people, (3 couples) and two friends who all converged together with the common goal of making some money, and the individual goals of solitude, or new friendships, or both. In time it became known as the ‘Big Brother’ house. The sharing of the kitchen, cleaning up after yourself, sharing the common space etc.

The day to day mundane isn’t worth explanation, the truth is, while we were in Lochend, there wasn’t much that seemed to happen to us. However, now that we’ve moved on the 3 weeks spent standing still were some of the most informative in terms of self-reflection of the trip.

There was something very special about walking out onto a lake, 100 metres or so from the shore, frozen and thawed multiple times throughout the winter listening to the groans and cracks in the ice, watching the kids and adults skate (or try to, I mean they are Scottish after all, not Canadian), and walking towards the centre to stare up at Ben Lohman. I felt insignificant and peaceful. Suddenly, the portion of the trip which was at least somewhat planned due to a pre-paid rail pass is over. Now we have options a plenty and yet we’re shrugging. Maybe Prague? Maybe Egypt? It strikes me how odd it is to be asking myself such questions. It used to feel like such a challenge to decide where to go dancing on a Saturday night, or what to make for dinner. Now, not only do I realize how silly this is, I am beginning to realize what I’m capable of. It’s something I only glimpse so far. Like a shadow up ahead that seems to move before I can catch it, but when I do sneak a peak it sends goose bumps up my shoulders and tears spring to my eyes which I blink away furiously. How do I make the most of this? Am I doing this opportunity justice? Will I ever catch the shadow and all of my small realizations will explode in a shower of greatness. Oh please I hope so! I will do my best to mantra it into being.